Wasp Nest In Loft – Identification, Removal, Treatment

Signs of Wasp Nest in Loft

The most evident signs for wasps in the loft is spotting the nest itself anywhere nearby your loft, usually, it’s located under its roof. This happens most commonly during spring or summer months when wasp activity is greatest. A well-matured wasp nest may contain several thousand wasps and it’s not recommended that you do anything about it without asking for professional help or at least before preparing to remove it on your own.

The entrance to the nest may be located by close observation of where exactly the flying insects come out and get in. It’s vital to identify this place in the nest as it is the one that should be treated if/when necessary to do so.

The physical characteristics of the wasp nest depend mostly on the wasp species that have made the nest. If they are common wasps it may simply be a hole in the roof or the wall without any significant features.

  • Hornet nest: Normally, if it’s a hornet nest, you will find out because of its round form and pointed bottom. It is approximately 30cm high and has a smooth cover with one large hole which is the entrance/exit point.
  • Paper wasp nest: Paper wasp nest is distinctive with its large size and hexagonal combs which can be seen with the naked eye during a close look. It looks a bit like an umbrella, this is one of the reasons why paper wasps are often called umbrella wasps.

During its initial stages, the size of a wasp nest is about the size of a tennis ball and becomes progressively bigger in time. It’s much easier to remove or replace a nest when it’s smaller in size. If ignored earlier in the year, and the wasp population becomes much larger, as well as the nest’s size, it’s removal becomes much harder. You will either need a professional wasp nest treatment service or a safe plan for its destruction.

How to Get Rid of Wasp Nest in Loft – Removing a Wasp Nest in Your Loft Safely

If you have tried all possible ways to treat a wasp nest and have come to the conclusion to remove it on your own, this is fine as long as you follow a few simple rules. Check our recommendations and tips below and make sure not to ignore any of them. It’s not worth taking a risk at the cost of a much greater failure, which can result in getting injured by the wasps.

  • 1.Make sure you are not allergic to wasp stings Consult with your doctor on how to make tests for wasp sting allergies. They are common and if you are not aware of them, this exposes you to a great risk of anaphylactic shock, which may be fatal. Do this test even if removing a wasp nest is not a part of your schedule, if it is, definitely do tests.
  • 2.Identify the wasp nest type We have explained above with what each wasp nests differ. Don’t miss the opportunity to become more familiar about the exact pest species you’re dealing with. Each nest may require a specialised type of treatment for maximum safety. Yellowjackets are very aggressive, for instance, and should only be approached at night or very early in the morning when they are a lot less active. Some hornet nests are mistaken for ones made of paper wasps, which may greatly mislead you in your judgement about the scale of the threat you will be facing as Hornets are among the most venomous insects and are extremely aggressive.


  • 3.Wear specialised protective clothing This will help you avoid getting stung by the wasps and will make the treatment or removal of the wasp nest much easier, and most importantly, safe. Do not underestimate the insects even if you are not allergic. If a large number of them sting a person, the poison would still be enough to cause severe harm. See how to deal with wasps safely.
  • 4.Reconsider using a ladder Wasps often nest in places which are beyond a person’s reach because of the hight. Many prefer to use a ladder as a solution to this issue. We do not recommend this method because wasp gets really aggressive once their nest is disturbed. They will initiate their attacker and he will be left with no escape route if he is standing on a ladder. If he becomes too stressed out, he might fall from the ladder and seriously injure himself. Simply call a professional pest exterminator if you don’t know what to do – it’s worth it in the long term.
  • 5.Clear out the area if pesticides will be used Wasp powder and other similar products for insect extermination may often be harmful when used improperly or when other organisms are exposed to the chemical substance without being protected. Make sure there aren’t any other people, especially kids, around, take care for your pet as well – it may get curious and decide to inspect the nest or the applied pesticide which can lead to unfortunate consequences. Dispose of the killed wasps every time you notice any, the pesticide inside them has a residual effect which can be passed towards other organisms that have consumed the pesticide-treated dead wasps.
  • 6.Choose the best moment to remove the wasp nest Wasps act differently according to the season and the temperature of the air. If it’s warm like it is during the summer, they are most active, in the winter, most of them die and only the queen hibernates to survive. Late in the Autumn, the wasps become much less vigorous, which makes them easier to be treated with a pesticide. Take action to remove the wasp nest either early in the spring or later in the Autumn. If impossible to postpone it until then, go out early in the morning at dawn or later in the evening at twilight and take action at this time – when wasps do not travel in and out of the nest that much. You will need light during the night but do not use standard flashlights it will attract the wasps out of the nest. Instead, simply find a light-emitting device that uses red or amber light, it is your best choice whatever you do during the night in an attempt not to draw too much attention.

Stick to the advice, provided above and do not ignore any of the recommendations – it’s for your safety and for the sake of finally getting rid of the wasp nest in your loft. In case you find it really difficult to get the job done the way it should be completed, do not hesitate to call a professional pest control expert who will do wasp nest treatment for you.

Wasp Nest in Loft Treatment Cost?

The price for treating a wasp nest in London from your loft is usually fixed when the service is done by a professional pest control company. If there is a need for any additional charges, they will be added following the inspection. This means, before agreeing to have the job done, you will know how much it will cost you in advance.

Incorrect pest extermination companies may give you an hourly-based service, which in the end may turn out to be much more expensive at the cost in exchange for nothing.

If you want to make sure that the wasp nest will be treated from your loft for a fair price, without any hidden charges, don’t hesitate to contact us and get an instant quote for your wasp nest treatment.

How to Prevent Wasp Nest in Loft?

Prevention is possible if measures are taken on time. When you spot a wasp anywhere around your property in London, mind that it’s there for reason and is certainly not just one. Try to observe its behaviour for a while and you will notice that it probably visits only a certain spot. This means it’s building a nest which can hardly be found without a proper inspection of the wasps’ behaviour and flying patterns. Removing it in time before it’s finished is one of the ways to prevent severe wasp infestations.

It’s also important to pay attention to other details such as food and beverage consumption outside the building. Foods and drinks rich in sugar and carbohydrates attract not just bees but wasps as well. If a person regularly leaves such tempting consumables nearby his loft or in the garden, a colony of wasps is highly possible to make a nest nearby – after all, their goal is to live in proximity to a food source. Check these additional tips on how to prevent a wasp nest in the loft:

  • Regularly inspect your loft for wasp nests
    In the early stages of its construction, a wasp nest has the size of a tennis ball and there are only small wasps inside of it, their population is not big as well. Mind that for regular wasps, such nests might look like tiny holes inside of building material like concrete, wood or plastic. It will be hard to spot it, so instead of looking for it, take a closer look where wasps go in and out during the day.
  • Dispose of waste properly
    Rubbish, generated inside the household, is known to attract various types of insects – wasps are not an exclusion. To prevent this from happening to your home and loft, keep rubbish bin away from doors and windows. Also, make sure they have very tight lids, which do not allow spillage of house waste all around the bin.
  • Keep your doors and windows well-sealed Wasps are able to sneeze through really tight holes when necessary, make sure the space beneath your door to the loft is carefully sealed with a door brush – this will also prevent ant infestations! The windows are safe when the rubber sealing of the window joinery is in good condition. If there are any issues with it, you will notice water penetration. Do not leave your windows in the loft open during the day, wasps may certainly sneak into the loft in search for food.
  • Imitate a wasp nest Wasps are very territorial creatures and will usually not nest near another wasp nest in proximity. You can easily trick the insects into believing that a DIY project of yours is, in fact, a real paper wasp nest. Take a closer look of pictures where the umbrella-shaped nest is photographed in detail. Ask a DIY guru what materials to use for crafting and once it’s ready, place it anywhere near the loft – it will certainly protect your from possible wasp infestations.
  • Seal sides and get rid of awnings Both, the sides of the building and the awnings provide the perfect shelter for the wasp nest. Yellowjackets often choose such places for the home of their colony. In order to avoid dealing with a wasp nest in the loft, you can take preventive measures by sealing the sides and removing awnings, sheds and more.
  • Set wasp traps around the property If wasps attack your home on an annual basis, take measures right from the spring, before even the queen emerges from hibernation. Set wasp traps and make sure bees do not get attracted to them. Always aim at exterminating wasps without sacrificing other insects as collateral damage such as bees.

Old Wasp Nest in Loft

An old wasp nest is one that has survived until the winter and throughout the whole year. When it is unfrozen in the next year’s spring, it will be ignored by the new colony of wasps as they prefer to make a new one instead of using an old wasp nest. This means you can ignore the old nest if you don’t find it unpleasant.

If you insist on removing the nest, however, you should the nest inside non-transparent bags, otherwise someone may get really scared at the sight of a person holding a wasp nest with his bare hands.

Wasp or Bee Nest in the Loft? How to Make a Difference?

It’s not that hard to determine the type of the nest in your loft based on its specific features. Usually, people mistake a wasp nest for a beehive if they do not take a closer look. If there are hexagonal combs on the nest and is formed of yellow layers covered in wax, it most certainly a honey beehive. Bees maybe even more aggressive than wasps when approached or disturbed, so whatever the nest is, do not get too close to it without proper preparation. Look for any of the following signs if you have doubts whether it is a beehive or a wasp nest in your loft:

  • Bees are more hairy – requires close observation to notice it
  • Wasps’ markings are distinctively black and yellow while bees are primarily brownish
  • Wasps are able to sting multiple times, a bee stings only once because it sting detaches from their body after stinging

Bees Nest in Loft – What to Do With It?

Generally, bees are considered to be a protected animal species. However, currently, in the UK they are not officially such but are as important for the environment as anywhere across the world. Natural Pollination of plants relies entirely on bees so you should not exterminate honey bees even if you have the opportunity to do so. We recommend you call a professional beekeeper who will deal with the beehive properly.

The only acceptable reason to exterminate bees would be if a person’s life is threatened very seriously, this may be so if the person has confirmed an allergy to the bee poison and the only way to avoid one is to exterminate bees or an entire beehive. A bee sting may cause anaphylaxis to an allergic person.

Wasp nest in Loft – FAQs

We are able to answer any question you may possibly have about a wasp nest in the loft. After the inspection is done, the most common things our customers ask for have been added to this guide. Check the Q& A below and don’t waste time in reading other sources.


Wasp-killing powder is, by far, your best choice when it comes to dealing with wasps on the roof on your own. Check the following video below to see how to prepare for the extermination and to become more familiar with all the steps of the process.

If going on the roof is a challenge for you, don’t take the risk – it’s simply not worth it. Call a professional technicians who will treat the wasp nest or exterminate it, depending on the type of infestation.


Paper wasps would usually fly around the place where their nest was located before its removal. It takes some time for the insects to realize that it’s been removed. After a short time, they will scatter randomly and will join another colony of wasps with an attempt to inhabit a new nest or start the making of a new one.

The other wasp species do not differ from the paper wasps in any way when it comes to the behaviour after their nest is destroyed. Some may return to where the old nest has been but will quickly leave after not finding anything there.

If the residual pesticide has been used for the wasp nest treatment, then some more wasps may be killed by the chemicals even after the nest is removed because some of the pesticides remain on the surface. If a wasp lands on this surface it will be harmed by the pesticide. This means you should carefully consider what your goals are when dealing with a wasp nest.


The structure of a wasp nest is able to withstand the meteorological conditions outside but this doesn’t mean the wasps will use it again – a new wasp is made when the winter is over. During winter when the temperatures drop low only the wasp queen gets through the hibernation process, the rest of the colony is wiped out completely. Even the wasp queen doesn’t necessarily survive because it may be consumed by other animal species, especially arachnids while the queen is in hibernation. Queen wasps hibernate outside of their old nest, somewhere inside tiny crevices for better protection.

If the queen survives, in the spring when it gets out of hibernation, it will start building a new nest. By the summer the population of wasps reaches most of its limit. In the late autumn the queen produces males and unmated queens who get out of the nest and find a new place in search of an appropriate one for hibernation. Before the winter, the queen are mated and ready for hibernation – the rest of the wasp colony is later wiped by the low temperatures in London.


It basically kills wasps, what is more, important about the wasp powder is how it does so and how it should be applied properly. Wasps squeeze through small gaps in roofs and to exterminate them there you need a pesticide that can be applied is such small cracks.

Once the powder is inserted into the holes where the wasps are, they sense that it’s deadly to them and start leaving the hiding instinctively. On their way out the powder gets on their exoskeleton and starts to take effect. Stick to the following established practices when applying wasp powder and you should not have any issues with the extermination:

  1. Plan your way away from the roof once it’s applied – you don’t want aggressive wasps to start attacking you
  2. Always use some sort of protective clothing
  3. Re-apply more of the wasp powder insecticide if you are not 100% sure that the colony has been wiped out completely.


It’s basically the same thing you need to do when you have a wasp infestation on the roof – simply use powder insecticide and apply it safely into the gaps in the wall. Use protective clothing and make sure there is no one else nearby, move your pet to a safe place as well.Once the first treatment is finished, wait for a while, do a double-check if there are any remaining wasps, and do a follow-up treatment if necessary. After a few hours pass without any signs of wasp infestation, proceed with your normal lifestyle.


Wasps in the loft may cause a lot of problems to a household in London. If measures are not taken on time. As long as the nest is inside the loft, it means the structure provides the perfect shelter for the insects to survive the winter. Instead of being wiped out by the cold, they will remain alive and may get out from the shed and infest your home with great ease.Queen wasps hibernate and leave the nest when the spring comes unless they are awakened earlier. If the temperature in the loft is higher than what is required for hibernation, wasps will be awakened and will search for food. This also means, they will probably not go into hibernation again and will not survive the actual winter.

Want Us to Treat the Wasp Nest in Your Home?

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