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A mouse nest looks like any other place a small mammal would use to produce?and take care of its offspring. Made usually of scrap materials, gathered after a lot of chewing on various fabric, the mouse nest provides the perfect shelter and security for female mice to give birth to the new litter. What usually the rodents use to create their nests is a material such as paper, cloth, cupboard, wood sticks, stuffing from mattresses and pillows and other soft fabrics. Usually, all this matter gets stacked into a ball where the newborns spend the first several days, during which they are fully dependable on their mother for food and protection. If you have a mice nest at your home and need help for its removal or there is an urgent need for mice extermination, you can reach us 24/7. Mouse droppings and urine marks around the nest are a definitive signal that it?s a mice nest. Leaving them to multiply is actually more inhumane than destroying the mice nest. Not being able to stop the infestation on time will result in hundreds of mice taking over the place in just a few months and then even more of them will have to be exterminated. To prevent this, it?s highly recommended to get rid of a mice nest immediately after finding one.
House mice build their nest close to food and shelter. The rodents prefer warm, narrow and dark places where they will feel safe during breeding. A mouse would not travel more than 30 feet from its nest to the food as they feed 15 to 20 times a day. Some of the most common places where mice nest are:
Mice would also take advantage of any hiding spot close to electronic appliances. These are some of the most dangerous as it?s possible to get structural damage due to fires from chewed wires and short circuit. Some of the most common appliances mice would make a nest close to are:
In this video you can see how a mouse nest has been under the roof of a car for so long, that simply removing it won?t bring the car back on the road.
During colder months mice would seek for a warm place to make their nest. The garage and especially under the car?s hood near the warm engine is the perfect hiding spot for mice. Always check your car?s engine for a rat/mouse nest before going on a road.?If there is one and it remains there for too long, it will?cause a lot of damage to the engine.
Disassembling the engine is required?if the engine hasn?t?been checked. This means mouse nest materials might have clogged any of the engine parts. If overheated because of the mice nest, repairing the engine would cost more than buying a new one.
In a single mice nest there are at least 5 mice as females produce eight litter per year with an average of six small pups per litter. The newborn are often called ?pinkies? because of their pink colour and are blind, hairless and unable to stand still in the first several days.
If mice from the previous litter live in the same nest where the newborns are the number may of rodents in the nest increases seriously. After the 35th day, a mouse reaches sexual maturity and either makes a new nest or remains in the same.
A single nest is completely possible to be the source of a whole colony that can fully infest your home. There are videos that show what ignorance towards mice infestation leads to such as this video where people remove concrete and under each piece at least 10 mice pop out and start running in fear chaotically.
Identifying the location of the mice nest inside your property might be a tedious task but by following a simple pattern, things can become a lot easier. What is most important while searching for the place where the colony breeds are to be prepared to take action when you find it. Think in advance about how you are going to proceed when you come upon the mice nest. Are you going to destroy it, take it out or leave it where it is?
Ignoring the nest is probably the worst idea. Some people are definitely not born to kill but leaving the vermin to multiply is worse than exterminating it. At one point the rodents will become so many, they might actually seriously threaten your health or the safety of others.
When you decide how the nest is going to be treated, proceed with the following steps:
Dump it in a specialized container as this type of waste might be considered as toxic waste if there are any leftovers of mice tissue
Items made of soft materials should be placed above ground level so rodent would not be able to reach them. This will prevent the mice from chewing on things that may serve as materials for the new nest.
These attract mice, rats and other rodents such as squirrels so it?s best to get rid of such garden decoration if living in a rural area where the risk of infestation is high.
Licensed pest control technicians will deal with any mice nest with proper mice extermination tools and techniques that will ensure mice-free property in only one or two treatments. If you try to remove the rodents from the territory of your property and this turns out to be an impossible task, simply look around for a?licensed pest control company?and call professionals to do the job for you.
Mice can eat through various types of materials and if your property is infested by many of them, it won?t take long until you sustain some heave structural damage. Most often, the sneaky rodents will do the following troubles:
Don?t allow this rodent to get any further. Stop the mice infestation with the help of our expert mice control specialists from Panther Pest Control.